Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Victor Hanson on Joe "GaffeyMcgaffenstein" Biden

It's really sad considering the last two VP's the Democrats have put up are a World Class Aldulterer and this guy-

Victor Hanson at The Corner:

And the Media Worries about Palin's Experience and McCain's Age? [Victor Davis Hanson]

I think in the space of about the last 24 hours, Joe Biden claimed that the AIG bailout was bad, but then said it wasn't bad;

that we did not need to burn coal;

that his apology about the dirty McCain ad was, as they say, inoperative;

that FDR once went on television to address the nation after the stock market crash of '29 (that's a twofer that trumps Obama's Americans liberating Auschwitz);

and all but said that McCain took a $50,000 bribe.

Not a bad day's work — encompassing terrible energy policy, flip-flopping, historical ignorance, and slander. And this comes on top of Palin the "good looking" "Lt. Governor" of Alaska, Hillary as the better VP pick than himself, the patriotism of paying higher taxes, and so on.

And those in turn come on top of the primary remarks about Indians in donut shops, and "bright and clean" blacks. And those in turn come on top of . . . (Well, go back to the pilfered speeches and made-up bios.)

Something is very wrong here. While most forgive the silly slip like "Barack America" or asking the wheel-chair bound to stand up, I think the Obama staff must have gone from amusement to embarrassment and now to serious concern whether Biden is up to the job.

Had this been Palin, the election would now be over.

This of course isn't surprising to anyone. Palin managed to meet a bunch of World Leaders recently and people were more interested in talking about how dumb she is.

If Biden and Edwards are your alternatives, I'll take dumb, thanks.

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