Before I left for my Christmas vacation to the sunny balmy shores of Boston, one of my good friends gave me an early Christmas present to read on the plane- Peace Kills by PJ O'Rourke. He suprised me because one night we had been talking about America, democracy, our Constitution, free speech, and other philosophical angles to politics. I emailed him an article by Mr O'Rouke the next day, "How to Explain Conservatism to Your Squishy Liberal Friends: Individualism 'R' Us" and remarked how interesting it was that this essay included so many of the points we raised in the previous discussion. Then the bastard goes and buys me PJ's latest book. I didn't even land in Boston before I was done reading it. His present is coming, I just haven't received it yet. For those who want to know what it is you can email me because he might read this and I want it to remain a secret....Mwahaahaa!!
Back in early December, I wrote a post about the latest Kyoto conference and referenced the new Michael Chrichton novel, State Of Fear, and wrote how I couldn't wait to read the book. Sure enough, under the tree Christmas morning was the book. My sister read the post and bought me the damn book. How about that? Pretty cool. My mom also got me the Stephen King-Stewart O'Nan book Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the Historic 2004 Season, but I haven't had a chance to crack that one yet.
So how come none of my friends or family who read my blog bought me this?

It's ONLY about $440,000...
That's like, pocket change. You can't expect me to ride around forever in my Ford Escape now, can you? I must get to work faster. This car will get to work faster, no question. Maybe if you all pool your leftover christmas money together.......
....oh relax, I was only kidding. Thanks again to all of my friends and family for the wonderful Christmas presents, and thanks Mom for stuffing me senseless for the few days I was home. I will have to make the next cast of Survivor to lose the weight I just gained over the holidays.....
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