"Mr. 'JAGER-BOOBIE-TOLL-BOOTHS'-Google search-guy!!!"
Jager. Boobies. Toll Booths.
I think that's why they invented the internet.
We salute you, Mr. 'JAGER-BOOBIE-TOLL-BOOTHS'-Google search-guy.
“The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle.” ―John Stapp
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Wet Feet Are Still Wet Feet Mr Fukuyama.
Francis Fukuyama (professor at Johns Hopkins University) and Adam Garfinkle (editor of the American Interest) took up some prime real estate recently with an editorial in this Monday's Wall Street Journal.
The thesis of their editorial was "A Better Idea".
How do I know that this was their thesis? I'll give you one clue.
The title.
I'm nothing if not observant.
Other than "the title", there is no "Better Idea" listed in Mr. Fukuyama's and Mr. Garfinkle's essay. But they do seem to enjoy pointing out why we apparently need "A Better Idea".
To give you a better idea (no seriously for a minute) of what they are talking about I will post most if not all of the article and hope that the Journal doesn't decide to sue me.
Again, from page A16 of Monday's Journal. Go buy a newspaper or something.
I for one would be all for "separating the struggle against radical Islamism from promoting democracy in the Middle East" if it wasn't for that unsettling reality that "the struggle against radical Islamism is partially if not completely dependent on the success of democracy in the Middle East." The two are inextricably linked. Much as the struggle for independence in this country was dependent upon a representative republic succeeding, Islamic terrorism will never truly be defeated until Islam itself is able to adapt to modern culture. The authors continue-
But let's completely ignore the fact that the former would never even come close to existing if not for the latter. Do go on.
Well, and everyone who knows anything about the Middle East, or modern western civilization for that matter, yes.
No, it means that during the Cold War we made icky friends in hopes of a greater good, and now that the Cold War is over we no longer have to stand on the sidelines while "Arab authoritarianism" assists Islamic fundamentalists in blowing up 20 acre holes in downtown Manhattan. We can strike back.
No one said anything about this being a "short term" conflict. Just ask the Gulf War I veterans. I don't think anyone is suprised that jihadists flocked to Iraq like, well, sandpaper when we decided to remove Saddam. I actually prefer that the really crazy ones fight our marines instead of our airline stewardesses. It may make more of them in the short term, but the suicidal Islamists don't get to vote. Their "short term" ends quite abruptly.
Does anyone else feel that that part seems like it was lifted from another essay?
"Don't see A as B.
In order to ensure the success of B we must kill A. But make it look like police stuff."
Funny that, turns out they actually were related- Democracy and equal rights for all mankind. They sort of happened together, like peanut butter and chocolate.
Well it wasn't possible for us to "stigmatize" (nice word!) Nazi Facism or Japanese Imperialism without "midwifing" democratic processes. You have to put something in its place. Democracy seems to be the most advantageous fit at this time.
You want to invade Denmark Now? And liberate them from fundamentalists? Didn't we just do that, like, 60 years ago? We have to do it AGAIN? I'm confused. Why does this keep happening in Europe?
Could you be more specific? Timetable? You mean everything isn't perfect yet?
So, is this a "they'd be better off with Saddam in power" kind of point? I'm sick of those quite frankly. Yes, THE TRAINS SURE DID RUN ON TIME. We get it, yes.
Yeah, cause all they care about is the $75 million, right? Ugh.
Oh come on! Stop patronizing. The very first thing they think of? Not "democracy, whisky, sexy"? The first thing is Abu-Ghraib?
Um, they didn't abuse anyone at Guantanamo. What are they talking about? The prisoners left healthier then they came and then returned to fight US SOldiers again. Which technically sounds like the US Criminal justice system, but I digress.
By killing the Fascists and Fundamentalists. The US Military is quite good at that actually.
Hey, we elected guys like David Duke in this country. Nobody said democracy was perfect.
Or we do what exactly? Sit around and hope that Osama gets bored with us? Where is this elusive "Better Idea"?
That was the title of this essay, right?
So you want democracy, but just not so quickly? This is a better idea why, exactly?
I'm not sure if the authors realized this, but their is a dearth of Arab-middle eastern countries that "have recently undergone democratic transitions" besides Iraq and Afghanistan.
Or, one might say we were paying the only people who ever really get these things done, the US Military.
So, pretty much what we're doing now, right? Again, how is this a "better idea"?
But the two are dependent on each other. To ignore this fact means that we will continually play infinite "whack-a-mole" with radical Islamism.
Anyone catch that? This is what they pay for at John Hopkins?
THAT is what you call a "Better Idea"?
Good lord. Save your money folks.
The thesis of their editorial was "A Better Idea".
How do I know that this was their thesis? I'll give you one clue.
The title.
I'm nothing if not observant.
Other than "the title", there is no "Better Idea" listed in Mr. Fukuyama's and Mr. Garfinkle's essay. But they do seem to enjoy pointing out why we apparently need "A Better Idea".
To give you a better idea (no seriously for a minute) of what they are talking about I will post most if not all of the article and hope that the Journal doesn't decide to sue me.
Again, from page A16 of Monday's Journal. Go buy a newspaper or something.
A Better Idea
March 27, 2006; Page A16
As an editorial on this page recently asked: "Anyone out there have a better idea" than the Bush administration's policy of high-profile democracy promotion in the Arab and Muslim worlds as a means to fight terrorism? Well, yes, there is one. That better idea consists of separating the struggle against radical Islamism from promoting democracy in the Middle East, focusing on the first struggle, and dramatically changing our tone and tactics on the democracy promotion front, at least for now.
I for one would be all for "separating the struggle against radical Islamism from promoting democracy in the Middle East" if it wasn't for that unsettling reality that "the struggle against radical Islamism is partially if not completely dependent on the success of democracy in the Middle East." The two are inextricably linked. Much as the struggle for independence in this country was dependent upon a representative republic succeeding, Islamic terrorism will never truly be defeated until Islam itself is able to adapt to modern culture. The authors continue-
The essential problem with the administration's approach is that it conflates two issues that are separate. The first has to do with violent, antimodern radical Islamism (on display both in the reaction to the Danish cartoons and in the mosque bombing in Samarra); the second concerns the dysfunctionality of political and social institutions in much of the Arab world.
But let's completely ignore the fact that the former would never even come close to existing if not for the latter. Do go on.
It is, of course, the administration's thesis that the latter condition causes the former.
Well, and everyone who knows anything about the Middle East, or modern western civilization for that matter, yes.
-it is also its contention that U.S. Cold War policies of support for Arab "friendly tyrants" are mainly to blame for Arab authoritarianism. Thus did the president say in November 2003 -- since repeated several times by Condoleezza Rice -- that we sacrificed freedom for stability in the Middle East for 60 years, and got neither.
It follows from this view that if the U.S. stops supporting authoritarian regimes and instead does all it prudently can to bring about democratic ones, our terrorist problem will be dramatically reduced if not altogether solved.
No, it means that during the Cold War we made icky friends in hopes of a greater good, and now that the Cold War is over we no longer have to stand on the sidelines while "Arab authoritarianism" assists Islamic fundamentalists in blowing up 20 acre holes in downtown Manhattan. We can strike back.
Authoritarian political cultures do function as enablers of radical Islamism, but the essential cause of the latter -- today as before, in dozens of historical cases concerning violent millenarian movements -- is the difficulty that some societies and individuals have in coming to terms with social change. That is why rapid modernization is likely to produce more short-term radicalism, not less. Muslims in democratic Europe are as much a part of this problem as those in the Middle East. This is not a trivial point; it is a central one that directly challenges a key tenet of the administration's view.
No one said anything about this being a "short term" conflict. Just ask the Gulf War I veterans. I don't think anyone is suprised that jihadists flocked to Iraq like, well, sandpaper when we decided to remove Saddam. I actually prefer that the really crazy ones fight our marines instead of our airline stewardesses. It may make more of them in the short term, but the suicidal Islamists don't get to vote. Their "short term" ends quite abruptly.
What the administration sees as one problem ought to be seen as two. Radical Islamism needs to be dealt with separately from democracy promotion. This involves doing everything we can to ensure the political success of the governments in Afghanistan and Iraq. It also involves killing, capturing or otherwise neutralizing hard-core terrorists in many parts of the world, and keeping dangerous materials out of their hands, in what will look less like a war than like police and intelligence operations.
Does anyone else feel that that part seems like it was lifted from another essay?
"Don't see A as B.
In order to ensure the success of B we must kill A. But make it look like police stuff."
But the threat above all lies on the level of ideas. Just as it proved possible to stigmatize and eventually eliminate slavery from mainstream global norms without having first to wait for the mass advent of liberal democracy,"
Funny that, turns out they actually were related- Democracy and equal rights for all mankind. They sort of happened together, like peanut butter and chocolate.
"it should be possible to effectively stigmatize jihadi terrorism without having first to midwife democracies from Morocco to Bangladesh.
Well it wasn't possible for us to "stigmatize" (nice word!) Nazi Facism or Japanese Imperialism without "midwifing" democratic processes. You have to put something in its place. Democracy seems to be the most advantageous fit at this time.
The United States and its Western allies should be helping genuine, traditional and pious Muslims to reassert their dominance over a beautiful and capacious religious civilization in the face of a well-financed assault by extremist thugs. (This, of course, is not a new idea, but we have barely begun to take its implementation seriously.) We should also be vigorously supporting the Danes and genuine European liberals when they are attacked by illiberal and violent Islamists.
You want to invade Denmark Now? And liberate them from fundamentalists? Didn't we just do that, like, 60 years ago? We have to do it AGAIN? I'm confused. Why does this keep happening in Europe?
Promoting liberal and democratic institutions in the Middle East should be decoupled from this fight, since it is a much more long-term project -- and a project in need of significant redesign. The Bush administration has not admitted to itself the degree to which it has been knocked off its own timetable by the chaotic situation in Iraq.
Could you be more specific? Timetable? You mean everything isn't perfect yet?
Its Broader Middle East and North Africa initiative to promote democracy in the Middle East through high-profile rhetorical support for democracy and funding for local democratic organizations was originally conceived as a way of capitalizing on the momentum gained from a successful Iraqi transition to democracy. But there is no such momentum right now, only backlash. Many would-be democratic opponents of regimes in places like Syria or Iran now say they'd prefer the status quo to the situation the Iraqis are in.
So, is this a "they'd be better off with Saddam in power" kind of point? I'm sick of those quite frankly. Yes, THE TRAINS SURE DID RUN ON TIME. We get it, yes.
This does not paint a rosy picture for the Bush administration's new initiative to promote democratic regime change in Iran; it will be hard to find any takers for the $75 million in new funding for this purpose.
Yeah, cause all they care about is the $75 million, right? Ugh.
To put it mildly, the Iraq war has not increased the prestige of the U.S. and American ideas like liberal democracy in the Middle East. The U.S. does not have abundant moral authority for promoting the rule of law, since the first thing people in the region associate with America today is prisoner abuse at Guantanamo, Bagram and Abu Ghraib.
Oh come on! Stop patronizing. The very first thing they think of? Not "democracy, whisky, sexy"? The first thing is Abu-Ghraib?
Many Americans have explained these events to themselves by saying that the abuse was an aberration that has been hyped by enemies of the U.S., and that in any event such things just happen during wartime. Perhaps; but the fact remains that Guantanamo is still open, and nobody except for a couple of lowly enlisted soldiers have been prosecuted for prisoner abuse by the Bush administration. Fair or not, American insistence on rule of law and human rights looks simply hypocritical.
Um, they didn't abuse anyone at Guantanamo. What are they talking about? The prisoners left healthier then they came and then returned to fight US SOldiers again. Which technically sounds like the US Criminal justice system, but I digress.
The Bush administration has indeed opened up new space for debate and political participation in the Arab and Muslim worlds.
By killing the Fascists and Fundamentalists. The US Military is quite good at that actually.
But recent elections in Iran, Egypt, Palestine, and Iraq have either brought to power or increased the prestige of profoundly illiberal groups like Hamas and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood; even our putative friends in the Shiite alliance that did well in last December's Iraqi elections have been busy institutionalizing an intolerant Islamist order in the parts of Iraq they control.
Hey, we elected guys like David Duke in this country. Nobody said democracy was perfect.
Administration principals speak of creating public space for dissent and debate lest it all be driven into the mosque, with the risk that this "might" bring illiberal groups into power. The tide of public opinion today is not running in favor of pro-Western secular liberals, however, but rather the Islamists. In many Arab countries this means that premature democratic elections will most definitely and predictably bring the mosque into the public square while driving out all other forms of expression. The tolerant are making democratic way for the intolerant, who in turn are very likely to block the possibility of any reverse flow of authority. How such dynamics promote liberal democracy in the longer run is hard to see. More likely, U.S. policies that foster pro-Islamist outcomes will delay political liberalization, help the wrong parties in the great debates ongoing in Muslim societies and, quite possibly therefore, make our terrorist problem worse.
Or we do what exactly? Sit around and hope that Osama gets bored with us? Where is this elusive "Better Idea"?
That was the title of this essay, right?
We need to change tactics in the way we go about supporting Middle Eastern democracy. The administration's highly visible embrace of democracy promotion as a component of its national security strategy (as outlined in last week's official document on the subject), and its telegraphing ahead of time of intentions to bring about regime change in places like Iran, only hurt the cause of real democrats in the region.
So you want democracy, but just not so quickly? This is a better idea why, exactly?
The effort to push countries toward early national elections, given the rising Islamist tide today, will invariably force us into the appearance of further hypocrisy when they produce results we don't like. There are many other democratic institutions we can help foster, such as local elections or non-extremist civil society groups. Moves afoot in Congress to channel democracy support through the State Department are well-intentioned but counterproductive: The last thing that democracy activists need right now is more American fingerprints on outside funding. Private foundations and groups with some distance from the administration like the NED or private NGOs will have better luck disbursing money than U.S. agencies. There are many quiet ways we can and should support democratic groups in the region, by working, for example, with other countries that have recently undergone democratic transitions that may have greater credibility than Washington.
I'm not sure if the authors realized this, but their is a dearth of Arab-middle eastern countries that "have recently undergone democratic transitions" besides Iraq and Afghanistan.
In a weird twist, despite its emphasis on democracy in Iraq, the administration would have let funding for long-term democracy promotion through groups like the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute lapse but for a last minute congressional earmark. We are pushing too hard in the wrong places, and not hard enough in the one place where it matters most.
Or, one might say we were paying the only people who ever really get these things done, the US Military.
We should not even think about wanting to roll back recent election results; rather, the emphasis should be on pressuring newly empowered groups to govern responsibly. Islamist parties in Egypt and Palestine have gained popularity in large measure not because of their foreign policy views, but because of their stress on domestic social welfare issues like education, health, and jobs, and their stand against corruption. Fine, let them deliver; and if they don't or turn out to be corrupt themselves, they will face vulnerabilities of their own not far down the road.
So, pretty much what we're doing now, right? Again, how is this a "better idea"?
Democracy promotion should remain an integral part of American foreign policy, but it should not be seen as a principal means of fighting terrorism. We should stigmatize and fight radical Islamism as if the social and political dysfunction of the Arab world did not exist,
But the two are dependent on each other. To ignore this fact means that we will continually play infinite "whack-a-mole" with radical Islamism.
and we should shrewdly, quietly, patiently and with as many allies as possible promote the amelioration of that dysfunction as if the terrorist problem did not exist. It is when we mix these two issues together that we muddle our understanding of both, with the result that we neither defeat terrorism nor promote democracy but rather the reverse.
Anyone catch that? This is what they pay for at John Hopkins?
THAT is what you call a "Better Idea"?
Good lord. Save your money folks.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
So Is Iraq Turning In To Another Korea?
My buddy Adam (whose birthday it was this evening, hope he enjoyed it) proposed this analogy tonight. I can't remember whether he was quoting someone or he thought of it himself. He may have thought of it himself, he is smart enough. Either way, this analogy has probably been floated around before. And it is far more relevant than the Vietnam-Iraq analogy.
The US Military again has proven that it is the single most liberating force in the world. South Korea has flourished economically since the Korean War, and has managed to avoid the fate that other ex-Russian soviet puppet states have been forced to endure.
Here's my photographic evidence. This is a recent night time satellite photo of the Korean peninsula. Notice the difference between the North and the South.

I hope that the the analogy here means that the Islamic terrorists are the North and the Iraqi people are the South. And eventually, the North will no longer be able to stop its own people from turning on some frickin lights at night so they can enjoy themselves.
Sounds about right.
Zarqawi, your days are numbered in the double digits scumbag.
Sleep tight.
The US Military again has proven that it is the single most liberating force in the world. South Korea has flourished economically since the Korean War, and has managed to avoid the fate that other ex-Russian soviet puppet states have been forced to endure.
Here's my photographic evidence. This is a recent night time satellite photo of the Korean peninsula. Notice the difference between the North and the South.

I hope that the the analogy here means that the Islamic terrorists are the North and the Iraqi people are the South. And eventually, the North will no longer be able to stop its own people from turning on some frickin lights at night so they can enjoy themselves.
Sounds about right.
Zarqawi, your days are numbered in the double digits scumbag.
Sleep tight.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Yes, the Preds kicked some ass again tonight. And considering we got tickets from a scalper for dirt cheap and ended up all of one row away from the glass, I'd say it was a damn fine evening..
Preds top Blues, complete perfect four-game homestand
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- When the Nashville Predators need timely scoring, they usually don't look for Scott Nichol. However, he's been coming through lately.
Nichol scored the first two goals in a 4-2 victory over the St. Louis Blues on Monday night, including an unassisted shorthanded goal on a breakaway. On Saturday night against the Calgary Flames, he had the game-winner in a 9-4 rout.
"We have needed big goals in our last couple of games, and he has gotten them for us," Nashville coach Barry Trotz said. "He plays with a lot of energy. He is a feisty type of guy. You need all kinds of players to be successful as a team. He is part of a good mix."
Hampered by injuries for much of the season, Nichol's three goals, his only scores of the season, are evidence he is back on track.
"I think Scott has caught up with the train," Trotz said. "When you miss a lot of games due to injuries, it forces you to catch up. He is a little old-school. He has a good work ethic. He is all about the team."
Paul Kariya and Kimmo Timonen each added power-play goals as Nashville completed a perfect four-game homestand.
The second period was the key for the Predators. Nichol beat St. Louis goalie Patrick Lalime to his stick side with a high wrist shot at 4:08 for a shorthanded goal.
Kariya scored less than two minutes later on the power play. Steve Sullivan saw Kariya skating towards the net from the right side and passed the puck to him from the left circle. Kariya tapped in the shot to Lalime's left side.
Timonen scored at the 14:14 mark of the second period, shooting a wrist shot that went high above Lalime's outstretched glove to make it 4-0.
St. Louis got on the board with four seconds left in the second as Scott Young connected from the top of the slot, ending a flurry of shots against Nashville goalie Chris Mason.
Jay McClement capped the scoring with 21 seconds left in the game.
"We were in it," St. Louis coach Mike Kitchen said. "Nashville's power play is dangerous. They move the puck around so well, and they have so many different looks. They're looking to move the puck through the seams all the time from side-to-side. It's keeps you on your toes."
Mason, making his first start of the season at home, stopped 28 shots. He had not played since March 1 at Chicago, a loss.
"Chris did a real good job of preparing himself," Trotz said. "That is a tribute to his work ethic. It is very difficult to not play for such a long time and then come in and be as sharp as he was. Things don't happen in practice the same way they happen in games. It was really important for our guys to play well in front of him."
Can we keep it together against the arch nemesis Detroit Red Wings? Stay tuned sports fans. Much hockey left to be played..
"But hey, Saddam wasn't a threat...what was the big deal?"
Readers of this blog (well, all five of them anyways) are aware that I supported the removal of Saddam Hussein from power as a necessary part of the war against Islamic Terrorists. I wrote post upon post detailing why I believed that we needed to remove Saddam from his position before he helped one of the various Islamic terrorist organizations in his own country attack western interests, or more specifically, the US mainland.
Was he pointing nuclear weapons at us?
No. He wasn't.
Would he if he could have?
Of course he would have (after he destroyed Israel of course). To think that a completely insane dictator like Saddam was reliable and responsible enough to be left alone after 9/11 would have been the very height of ignorance.
Many people in this country took as a statement of fact that Saddam was not a threat and should have been left alone. I repeatedly posted the reasons why they were wrong: Saddams connection to WMD production, his connection to international terrorists, his repeated attempts to shoot down US planes, his bragging about paying off Palestinian suicide bomber families in support of the goal towards death to Israel. Even his unrefuted connections to the 1993 WTC attack, not to mention the still unrefuted reports from Czech authorities of Iraqi intelligence meeting with Mohammed Atta.
Christopher Hitchens has written an article at Slate that many in the anti-war camp don't want you to read, because boy will they look irresponsible. Saddam needed to go, and anyone with a freaking lick of sense should have been able to see it. Sadly, there were not many "licks" to go around four years ago.
An excerpt-
Iraq may continue to be unstable, the Shiites and the Sunnis may continue to duke it out for supremacy. But in the words of PJ O'Rourke, who wants a stable Iraq?
When Iraq was stable, it attacked Israel in the 1967 and 1973 wars. It attacked Iran. It attacked Kuwait. It gassed the Kurds. It butchered the Shiites. It fostered terrorism in the Middle East. Who wants a stable Iraq?
The Iraq that exists now will no longer be able to attack the US in the way that Saddam was capable of a few years ago. And those who don't understand this are not responsible enough to be making decisions about the War against Islamic terrorists.
Was he pointing nuclear weapons at us?
No. He wasn't.
Would he if he could have?
Of course he would have (after he destroyed Israel of course). To think that a completely insane dictator like Saddam was reliable and responsible enough to be left alone after 9/11 would have been the very height of ignorance.
Many people in this country took as a statement of fact that Saddam was not a threat and should have been left alone. I repeatedly posted the reasons why they were wrong: Saddams connection to WMD production, his connection to international terrorists, his repeated attempts to shoot down US planes, his bragging about paying off Palestinian suicide bomber families in support of the goal towards death to Israel. Even his unrefuted connections to the 1993 WTC attack, not to mention the still unrefuted reports from Czech authorities of Iraqi intelligence meeting with Mohammed Atta.
Christopher Hitchens has written an article at Slate that many in the anti-war camp don't want you to read, because boy will they look irresponsible. Saddam needed to go, and anyone with a freaking lick of sense should have been able to see it. Sadly, there were not many "licks" to go around four years ago.
An excerpt-
Let us start with President Bush’s speech to the United Nations on Sept. 12, 2002, which I recommend that you read. Contrary to innumerable sneers, he did not speak only about WMD and terrorism, important though those considerations were. He presented an argument for regime change and democracy in Iraq and said, in effect, that the international community had tolerated Saddam’s deadly system for far too long. Who could disagree with that? Here’s what should have happened. The other member states of the United Nations should have said: Mr. President, in principle you are correct. The list of flouted U.N. resolutions is disgracefully long. Law has been broken, genocide has been committed, other member-states have been invaded, and our own weapons inspectors insulted and coerced and cheated. Let us all collectively decide how to move long-suffering Iraq into the post-Saddam era. We shall need to consider how much to set aside to rebuild the Iraqi economy, how to sponsor free elections, how to recuperate the devastated areas of the marshes and Kurdistan, how to try the war criminals, and how many multinational forces to ready for this task. In the meantime—this is of special importance—all governments will make it unmistakably plain to Saddam Hussein that he can count on nobody to save him. All Iraqi diplomats outside the country, and all officers and officials within it, will receive the single message that it is time for them to switch sides or face the consequences. Then, when we are ready, we shall issue a unanimous ultimatum backed by the threat of overwhelming force. We call on all democratic forces in all countries to prepare to lend a hand to the Iraqi people and assist them in recovering from more than three decades of fascism and war.
Not a huge amount to ask, when you think about it. But what did the president get instead? The threat of unilateral veto from Paris, Moscow, and Beijing. Private assurances to Saddam Hussein from members of the U.N. Security Council. Pharisaic fatuities from the United Nations’ secretary-general, who had never had a single problem wheeling and dealing with Baghdad. The refusal to reappoint Rolf Ekeus—the only serious man in the U.N. inspectorate—to the job of invigilation. A tirade of opprobrium, accusing Bush of everything from an oil grab to a vendetta on behalf of his father to a secret subordination to a Jewish cabal. Platforms set up in major cities so that crowds could be harangued by hardened supporters of Milosevic and Saddam, some of them paid out of the oil-for-food bordello.
Well, if everyone else is allowed to rewind the tape and replay it, so can I. We could have been living in a different world, and so could the people of Iraq, and I shall go on keeping score about this until the last phony pacifist has been strangled with the entrails of the last suicide-murderer.
Iraq may continue to be unstable, the Shiites and the Sunnis may continue to duke it out for supremacy. But in the words of PJ O'Rourke, who wants a stable Iraq?
When Iraq was stable, it attacked Israel in the 1967 and 1973 wars. It attacked Iran. It attacked Kuwait. It gassed the Kurds. It butchered the Shiites. It fostered terrorism in the Middle East. Who wants a stable Iraq?
The Iraq that exists now will no longer be able to attack the US in the way that Saddam was capable of a few years ago. And those who don't understand this are not responsible enough to be making decisions about the War against Islamic terrorists.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Another Fabulous Night In Nashville.
And it was a precursor to St. Patrick's Day no less.
The Nashville Predators are THE REAL DEAL. Thomas Vokoun, Stevie Sullivan, the new guy Brandon Witt, even good ole Darcy Hordichuk got into it with a goal tonight. What a great team, and man am I lucky as hell to get to watch them. We had seats in section 102 row E where you are in between the sections of seats, thus you get your own folding chair, cup holder, personal space, usher, etc. Styling.
Vokoun got another shutout, Preds win. All is well.
Officially, it's Saint Patrick's Day right now, but I have some sleeping to do first.
Did you know that folks in Ireland don't really care that today is "St. Patrick's day"?
Saint Patrick.
I'm sad that I'm not enjoying my second annual trip to DC, but happy that I have such great friends to be around, no matter where I am.
Please, make sure you behave incredibly irresponsible tonight. Don't hurt anyone or whatever, but don't act conservative either. Woudn't want to disappoint Saint Patrick now, would you?
The Nashville Predators are THE REAL DEAL. Thomas Vokoun, Stevie Sullivan, the new guy Brandon Witt, even good ole Darcy Hordichuk got into it with a goal tonight. What a great team, and man am I lucky as hell to get to watch them. We had seats in section 102 row E where you are in between the sections of seats, thus you get your own folding chair, cup holder, personal space, usher, etc. Styling.
Vokoun got another shutout, Preds win. All is well.
Officially, it's Saint Patrick's Day right now, but I have some sleeping to do first.
Did you know that folks in Ireland don't really care that today is "St. Patrick's day"?
Saint Patrick.
I'm sad that I'm not enjoying my second annual trip to DC, but happy that I have such great friends to be around, no matter where I am.
Please, make sure you behave incredibly irresponsible tonight. Don't hurt anyone or whatever, but don't act conservative either. Woudn't want to disappoint Saint Patrick now, would you?
Thursday, March 09, 2006
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things....
(sung without cadence to that song from the Sound of Music)
"When the Predators win,
When the 2nd highest listed google page for "michael moore douchebag" is my blog...
When I'm feeling fine...............I simply remember my favorite things and suddenleeeeee I'm fiiiiiiiine".......or something like that. My sister is the reason why I know so much about the Sound Of Music, catholic school and all. Annual renditions of the story of a swiss (jewish maybe?) family evading capture by the Nazi's has left an indelible mark on my psyche.
It's like Indiana Jones says....
[Upon opening the Well of the Souls and peering down into it]
Sallah: Indy, why does the floor move?
Indiana: Give me your torch.
[Sallah does, and Indy drops it in]
Indiana: Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
Sallah: Asps. Very dangerous. You go first.
So there's supposed to be another Indiana Jones movie coming out (summer 2007? damn, I wanna see it NOW!)....As the beard says himself, "I am about to make Indiana Jones 4, which is, as far as I am concerned, the sweet dessert I give those who had to chow down on the bitter herbs that I’ve used in Munich."
You guys remember this scene?

Stealing the Ark of the covenant so that the Nazi's don't get it first.. Freaking people out. Good times man. Good times.
Yes, Mr. Stephen Spielberg, we have tasted your bitter, pointless herbs. Whatever...Just shutup and make Indy 4 already. Your fans (of which I am one) are craving it...
How about that though? I'm number 2 out of 73,000 as the most searched site for "michael moore douchebag"?
I'd like to thank the Academy...
"When the Predators win,
When the 2nd highest listed google page for "michael moore douchebag" is my blog...
When I'm feeling fine...............I simply remember my favorite things and suddenleeeeee I'm fiiiiiiiine".......or something like that. My sister is the reason why I know so much about the Sound Of Music, catholic school and all. Annual renditions of the story of a swiss (jewish maybe?) family evading capture by the Nazi's has left an indelible mark on my psyche.
It's like Indiana Jones says....
[Upon opening the Well of the Souls and peering down into it]
Sallah: Indy, why does the floor move?
Indiana: Give me your torch.
[Sallah does, and Indy drops it in]
Indiana: Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
Sallah: Asps. Very dangerous. You go first.
So there's supposed to be another Indiana Jones movie coming out (summer 2007? damn, I wanna see it NOW!)....As the beard says himself, "I am about to make Indiana Jones 4, which is, as far as I am concerned, the sweet dessert I give those who had to chow down on the bitter herbs that I’ve used in Munich."
You guys remember this scene?

Stealing the Ark of the covenant so that the Nazi's don't get it first.. Freaking people out. Good times man. Good times.
Yes, Mr. Stephen Spielberg, we have tasted your bitter, pointless herbs. Whatever...Just shutup and make Indy 4 already. Your fans (of which I am one) are craving it...
How about that though? I'm number 2 out of 73,000 as the most searched site for "michael moore douchebag"?
I'd like to thank the Academy...
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I Don't Have To Die A Little Each Day Any Longer.

I have replaced the aforementioned shot with a new setting, which for employment reasons shall remain nameless. Although pretty much everything else in the picture is the same, this new job will no longer make me die a little each day. I must tell you-that 's worth more than I realized. So back to tall cubicle land I go!!
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