The Saddam Appeasement Society has started a photo log of apologies to the Iraq people for, um, liberating them? No wait, that's not right. We're sorry for ending the slaughter of infants? Nope, that's not it either. How about- for starting your country on the path of Democracy thus further encouraging other Arab countries to remove its bonds of oppression from despotic dictators?
Nope, too wordy. Just what the hell are they saying anyways? I missed the memo.
There is one picture in which the sign says "May Justice and Peace and Compassion Return to Your Country".......apparently someone took their head out of their ass just long enough to write the sign and then hurriedly returned it to its natural resting position. Yeah, Saddam was big on the peace and compassion thingy, just ask the Kurds....
Sean Gleeson took up the task of photoshopping a few of these nutballs, here's one of my favorites....

And by the way, is it me or do all of the folks in these pictures remind you of those foul smelling former hippy "universalists" who ignored Iraqis when they were protesting the war? Well, they don't seemed to have changed much.
Thanks morons.
Update: Ok, look at this one......
This freaking moron is wearing the palestinian flag with the Keffiyeh, the sign of "suppport" for palestinian suicide bombers. You know, the ones that gun down babies and pregnant women.
Peace in our lands, except kill the Jews first, or something like that........(shaking head).......
Photoshop winner, hands down......via Tim Blair

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